Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nerd Alert - Laura Ingalls Wilder Home

I had another moment today that made it onto my list of Top Ten Moments.  We went to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield Missouri.  For those of you who lived in a hole during their childhood or are a boy, Laura Ingalls Wilder is the author of the Little House Books which are about her life growing up in the late 1800's.  These books are the books that my mom introduced me to and really got me into reading for fun.  I grew up on these books and love them dearly.  Anyway, the museum was full of Laura's belongings, many of which were mentioned in the books.  For instance: Pa's fiddle and Almanzo's name card that he gave to Laura when he offered her a ride to the school house.  There were also the original manuscripts hand-written on notebooks.  I read the page that was open and it was from the book "The Shores of Silver Lake" which I had just re-read in preperation for the trip (I re-read the whole series).  It brought tears to my eyes and I know that sounds silly or nerdy or whatever you want to call it, but it was wonderful.  

Tomorrow we will explore Chicago at which point I will blog more about our travels, but today was all about Laura Ingalls Wilder. 


1 comment:

  1. How cool! I love Laura Ingalls Wilder and will have to make that trip one day, maybe with my daughter once she's old enough to enjoy the books. :)

